Too many requests! You have made too many requests!! No more requests!!!
– How many times do you have to hear that before you get really angry?Amazon Chime API’s request throttling tested our patience like this. But all we ever wanted was to make a simple text chat app work! In this article, you’ll find out why Chime was so unkind to us, what we did to turn things around, and how you too can follow the path we forged.

According to Statista, in 2020, there were 6.9 billion mobile users. The number will increase to approximately 7.5 billion in 2025. Businessmen, students, housekeepers, gamers, readers, and sportsmen – everyone will need an app to satisfy their needs, and the demand for mobile app developers is high accordingly. 

Yet, not every app finds its faithful audience. Only the best and highest-quality applications win the competition. Such applications require proficient mobile app development specialists. So, which skills distinguish a professional mobile app developer from a novice in 2024? 

Stick to the article and learn what relevant skills you should look for in a full stack mobile app developer. 

Top Hard Skills for Mobile App Developers 

Hard app developer skills are the backbone of any mobile app development process. They define professional competence and allow developers to bring ideas into working digital solutions. 

The most common hard skills for a mobile app developer are: 

  • Proficiency in programming languages for mobile app development (Java, C++, or Kotlin for Android, Swift or Objective-C for iOS, or JavaScript, Dart, or some other that is used for cross-platform development);
  • Frontend development skills (SDKs and frameworks knowledge, understanding platform requirements, ensuring compatibility with different devices and OS versions, etc.);
  • Backend development skills (database management, performance optimization, ensuring security measures, experience with backend frameworks, etc.);
  • User interface (UI) design (including knowing the specifics of Google Material Design and iOS Human Interface Guidelines);
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs;
  • Performance optimization and memory management skills;
  • Experience in working with version control systems;
  • Knowledge of app stores’ and other software development standards (like GDPR, HIPAA, etc.).

Top Soft Skills for Mobile App Developers 

Hard skills are an essential but not the only necessary part of a developer’s competence. Soft application developer skills also play a critical role in CVs as they refer to knowledge and proficiencies related to communication and analytics. Also, they help organize the working process, solve problems, and build communication. When two developers with the same background in hard skills compete with each other, the one with stronger soft skills wins.

Top soft skills for a modern mobile app developer include the following: 

  • Problem-solving 
  • Team collaboration
  • Project management
  • Communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Creativity in app design

Most Important Mobile Developer Skills in 2024

Trends constantly change, but the demand for high-quality mobile applications remains the same. This block will explore the critical mobile app developer skills you should look for in a mobile app developer. 

UI and UX Design

It's all about creating what users see on their screen and how they will interact with it. Usually, specialists follow generally accepted design rules (for example, Nielsen Norman's Heuristics), taking into account the requirements of the specific mobile platform for which development is being carried out. At the same time, native development tools provided by Android and iOS in particular, Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI significantly simplify this task, so experience working with them in the list of the most-wanted mobile developer skills will be highly preferable.

Frontend Development Skills 

If we are talking about native development, the modern software engineer must have good programming skills in Swift for iOS development and Kotlin for Android development. However, some projects may also require knowledge of Objective-C, C++, or Java (for example, those that were developed a long time ago and need support), JavaScript or Dart (for cross-platform projects), or some other languages. Accordingly, the developer must have the necessary experience in frameworks for front-end mobile development, such as React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, SwiftUI, XCode, Android Studio, Native Development Kit, etc.

Backend Development Skills

The visual part of an app ensures the user’s engagement and experience with the app. The backend component is where the magic happens. A proficient back-end developer should know how to implement desired logic and manage the app’s inner data efficiently. A list of programming languages expands to Java, C#, Ruby, and Python, which are some of the most popular for backend development. Besides, a good backend developer should know how to work with mobile databases via SQLite, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. Backend development also includes knowledge of API integration, which streamlines data exchange between an app's frontend and backend components. 

User Security 

Data safety and user authentication deserve additional attention. Knowledge of safe coding principles and best practices (i.e., using data encryption protocols, following the OWASP standard, and so on) is a marker of a skilled mobile app developer. Mobile developers must also have skills in conducting static application security testing (SAST) and dynamic application security testing (DAST). 

Knowledge of Mobile Platform Guidelines 

Due to the influx of applications to app stores, moderation has become stricter. Knowledge of the marketplace’s guidelines increases the chances of an app’s success. Actually, that’s why the list of iOS developer skills should include the knowledge of Human Interface Guidelines. He or she also should be familiar with Material Design guidelines for Android development. Knowledge of the review process should also be part of the developer’s competence. 

Mobile App Developer Skills by Experience Level 

The job market of mobile developers is versatile and can offer different levels of qualification. That’s why, if you are looking for a mobile app developer, you should also take into account a potential developer's performance. 

Junior-Level Mobile Developers 

Junior mobile app programmers are prospective specialists with no more than 2 years of experience. At this level, a specialist should be familiar with: 

  • UI/UX design principles 
  • Programming languages for mobile app development 
  • Mobile app development frameworks 
  • Version control systems and databases

It is important to understand that hiring a junior does not mean that you will have to supervise the entire project to get a good result in the end. These specialists can easily be entrusted with simple tasks (which will save you from overpaying for specialists with higher qualifications), up to 50% scope of work. 

Middle-Level Developers 

These are specialists with 3-5 years of experience. A middle-level developer's main focus is learning how to scale an application and ensure its security and operational stability. The following mobile application developer skills needed to reach mid-level app development proficiency are essential:

  • Specifics of integration with third-party services and APIs
  • Cross-platform adaptation
  • Knowledge of the best security practices
  • Asynchronous and multithreading programming
  • Knowledge of popular architectural patterns like MVVM, MVC, MVP, etc

Vital Skills for Senior-Level Developers 

Senior developers usually have 5+ years of experience and lead development teams. They take on the most challenging and responsible tasks within a project and know how to solve them in the simplest way. Also, they can be experts in certain technologies, like AI, IoT, augmented reality, etc. Actually, here's why the knowledge of blockchain in mobile apps can be required for them. 

Senior developers help the rest of the team with ongoing tasks and can take on some managerial duties. Therefore, the CV of a senior mobile app developer would benefit from the following soft skills:

  • Leadership
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Teamwork
  • Time management

Most Underrated Skills for Mobile App Developers 

Technical prowess is paramount for cross-platform app development. Still, certain skills are often overlooked when hiring a mobile development specialist. 

Critical Thinking 

Critical thinking is a cornerstone of every other mobile developer skill. It lies in the base of problem-solving, code optimization, and debugging. A critical approach is the ability to remain flexible and tackle challenges from unexpected angles. 

It is hard to measure critical thinking in hard numbers. Yet, even a junior developer with strong critical thinking and analytical skills can greatly benefit a team. 


Creativity is an elusive but vital skill for a mobile developer. Successful applications become popular not only because of flawless technical execution. They innovate and solve users’ needs like nothing else. From AI in mobile apps to IoT integration, there are numerous ways in which new technological advancements can be used in mobile app development. 

There are numerous tasks that mobile apps can solve and help people with their everyday lives. A mobile developer's ability to be creative, innovate, and find what can be optimized is valuable at any professional level. 

Learning and Adaptability 

Constant technological advancement requires professional developers to update their skills. They should familiarize themselves with new technologies. Even senior developers have to keep up with the market evolution. 

If a developer has an open mind and is ready to learn new methods and software, they will be a valuable asset to your project. 


A professional mobile developer combines several important skills. He or she knows both the backend and frontend aspects of mobile app development. They also know the programming languages and tools to implement app ideas in the most cost- and time-efficient way. Most importantly, a mobile app developer keeps an open mind. They think creatively and approach problems from unusual angles. Darly Solutions is ready to assist with your project if you need such professionals. Contact our dedicated team to learn more details.